This is a recurring event.
Recurrences span from From to to
Events start from Event starts at to All day
This event repeats Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly every day days week on weeks on month on the months on the year years
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
first second third fourth last Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun of each month
Each event spans day(s)
For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.
This event does not have a physical location.
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You can have single or multiple tickets, where certain tickets become available under certain conditions, e.g. early bookings, group discounts, maximum bookings per ticket, etc. Basic HTML is allowed in ticket labels and descriptions.
Total Spaces Individual tickets with remaining spaces will not be available if total booking spaces reach this limit. Leave blank for no limit.
Maximum Spaces Per Booking If set, the total number of spaces for a single booking to this event cannot exceed this amount.Leave blank for no limit.
Booking Cut-Off Date day(s) Before the event starts After the event starts at This is the definite date after which bookings will be closed for this event, regardless of individual ticket settings above. Default value will be the event start date.
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